


Built using the LabVIEW environment by National Instruments (NI), ReadyDAQ is the solution to all your development problems. With the upcoming technological advances, it is our greatest priority to simplify the execution of the technology and make it accessible to all. ReadyDAQ is one such software that is available in a standalone executable version as well. Built using the advanced state machine architecture, it is written by the team utilizing the abilities of LabVIEW v.14.0 32 bit version, it offers its users the option to customize the software as per their needs and requirements to further help them connect, control, and optimize their Data acquisition devices. Without the need to actually develop their device-oriented software, it offers customizability which not only cuts down the work but also helps you connect and operate DAQ devices quickly. With the flexibility, data logger abilities and customizability, ReadyDAQ makes innovation a simpler yet more efficient process.

ReadyDAQ plays a major role in creating prototypes without actually having to go through all the hassle of setting up and developing. The importance of a prototype is high and what engineers, researchers and scientists need is a solution to their development needs so that all the focus can be shifted to the development of the actual product rather than its application. So, ReadyDAQ jumps in to offer these services and help create the perfect prototype, giving shape to several dreams.

Quick setup leads to an organized execution which involves acquiring, storing and analyzing input and output signal values. These signals range from current and voltage to frequencies as per the specifications. Along with this, ReadyDAQ offers data logger features that enable the user to store signal values that have been acquired into spreadsheets for further analysis. These spreadsheets can be accessed using simple software like Microsoft Excel and analyzed to understand the working. It also offers an option to read errors that occurred and possible errors that could interrupt the processing, making correction easy.

ReadyDAQ has also impacted the manufacturing process and the efficiency of production by decreasing the development time and also offering features like data logging, customization and error logging which impact the processing speed. Hence, it has simplified the execution of control processes proving to be an efficient solution to your development needs.

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